research design and ethics


This folder contains a Lab #2 case scenario, a participant data file, as well an instructional PowerPoint to walk you through the step-by-step to use SPSS/PASW.  

2. In order to submit this assignment, you will submit all three documents to the “submit assignment” link, below: (1) Your Microsoft word document with all of the answers to the questions on the Case Scenario, with your answers numbered, (2) Your SPSS Datafile [this has a “.sav” file extension], and (3) Your SPSS Output file [this has a “.spv” file extension].  You will find an example of how these attachments look in an email by clicking on the “SPSS Labs” tab on blackboard and clicking on the first document ‘How to Email SPSS lab assignments’.

 I will only grade Labs that have all three completed files, uploaded in the correct format.

4. All the materials you will need for Lab #2 are found in the ‘SPSS Labs’ Blackboard tab, in the “SPSS Lab #2” folder.

5. This second lab is going to teach you how to use DATA to evaluate your practice, through a case vignette about gerontological social work.  You should first read the “Case Scenario for Lab #2” carefully.  There are 8 questions you must answer, listed at the end of the Case Scenario (NOTE: You will NOT be creating a Descriptive Statistics table for this Lab #2).  Number your questions on the Microsoft word doc, so that I know which question you are answering.  You can only answer the questions AFTER you have run your analyses in SPSS, so don’t try and answer them before analyzing your data.  Remember, your answers should be based on your data analysis from the Output file – not on your ‘personal opinion’ or ‘experience’, and you must also integrate knowledge/concepts from your assigned readings and lectures into your answers.  This is part of ‘evidence-based practice’, which in this lab, is using evidence to evaluate your practice.

6. Your participant data (standardized scales you hypothetically distributed to older adults) are found in the “PRE-test” file, and the “POST-test” file.  This is the data from your participant pre-test and post-test that you will need to enter into SPSS and analyze to answer the questions on the Case Scenario. 

You are going to encounter specific challenges in this lab, in which you are going to find a few ‘problems’ with some of the participants’ responses.  You must utilize your critical thinking and integrate your readings to figure out how best to handle this situation.  Please do not email me asking me ‘what to do’ about these items.  Remember, there are several ways in which to solve problems, and I want you to use your knowledge and critical thinking to come up with a good solution.

7. Before you get started defining the variables for this survey in the SPSS “Variable View” tab, you should watch the lecture video, entitled “Introduction to SPSS Lab #2’”.  

8.  Once you have defined variables in the “Variable View” tab, and also entered all participant data for both the pre-test and post-test in the “Data View” tab, you must watch the lecture video, entitled “Introduction to SPSS Lab #2”.  That video will show you what to do in SPSS to run your analysis to evaluate change on self-esteem between pre-test and post-test.  

9. After running your analysis in SPSS, the software will give you an Output file, which will give you the results of differences between scores for pre-and post-tests.  You will interpret the results on the Output file and use your critical thinking to answer questions #1-8 from your Case Scenario.

Case scenario for assisted living facility intervention

This is the case scenario for the assisted living facility. Read the scenario carefully, and answer the questions after completing your data analysis in SPSS. Remember, each client has a ‘pre test’ and ‘post test’ scale they have completed. You must remember to match the ID numbers in the upper right-hand corner to be sure you will enter each clients correct pre and post-test data.

Master copy of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

Attached Files:

File Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale-master copy.doc (25 KB)

A master copy of the standardized scale (administered at both pre- and post-test), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (use to define variables in “Variable View” tab).

PRE-test data for participants

Attached Files:

File PreTest Data from Assisted Living.pdf (430.205 KB)

This data file contains the PRE-test data for each of the older adult participants in your study, which include the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scales that each of your participants completed BEFORE you introduced your intervention. Note that each participants ID number is located in the top right-hand corner. When entering their ID numbers into SPSS, do not use any dashes or spaces.

POST-test data for participants

Attached Files:

File PostTest Data Assisted Living.pdf (2.913 MB)

This data file contains the POST-test data for each of the older adult participants in your study, which include the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scales that each of your participants completed AFTER they participated in your intervention. Note that each participants ID number is located in the top right-hand corner. When entering their post-test data, make sure you match-up each participants post-test data with their pre-test data.

Template for Writing-Up Results for paired-samples t-test

Attached Files:


Use this template to write-up your results of your analysis for Lab 2. Writing up your results is one of the questions you must answer in the questions on the Case Scenario.

Step-by-step: Defining variables, entering data, and running statistical analysis (Lab #2)

Attached Files:

File SPSS Lab_2_Briefing-SPRING 2021.pdf (1.741 MB)

Attached Files:

File How to UPLOAD your SPSS Lab assignments.pdf (307.099 KB)

Submit your SPSS Lab #2 on this link. Once you click on the link, upload your three Lab #2 documents. To upload each document, click the “Browse My Computer” button, find that file on your computer, and attach. Do this to upload each document.

View the attached pdf document to see HOW your uploaded files should look before you submit them.

SPSS Lab Exercise #2:
Quantitative Data Analysis & Standardized Instruments

Brief description of hypothetical research project:

You are a BSW student intern at the Alpine Valley Assisted Living Facility in Galveston, Texas.
There is one Social Worker at the agency, and he will be your Field Instructor. During your
orientation, the Field Instructor shares with you that one of the greatest challenges his
clients face at the facility are declines in physical and mental health after elderly clients move
in to the facility. In particular, many clients appear to experience a significant decrease in
self-esteem after relocating to the facility. The Assisted Living Facility is relatively new, and
does not offer any specific interventions to address self-esteem.

In the educational contract that you and your Field Instructor create, one of your learning
tasks includes creating and intervention designed to increase self-esteem (practice) AND
evaluate the impact of the intervention (research).

In your literature review, you discover research suggests a relationship between
volunteerism and self-esteem. You decide to create a Volunteer intervention for clients at
the facility, and coordinate volunteer work for the elderly clients to become involved in
around the community. In the literature, you also find a scale to measure changes in self-
esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale [RSE]) that you would like to use to evaluate the
impact of volunteerism on the self-esteem of the elderly participants at Alpine Valley
Assisted Living Facility.

Assuming you have already collected informed consent, here is what you must do to
complete this hypothetical research project:


• Define variables in SPSS for your RSE scale.

Note: each scale item should be coded as individual variable in SPSS.

• Enter data from the RSE pre- and post-tests in SPSS.
• Analyze the RSE data in SPSS by using the appropriate statistical test(s).

Scoring the RSE= The RSE is scored by summing the numbers of each item, yielding a total
score of between 10 (lower self-esteem) and 40 (higher self-esteem); The items #
1,3,4,7,10 need to be reversed-coded before calculating total score. Scale was normed on
adolescents and adults of various ethnic backgrounds; Reliability demonstrated between
.77 and .88; RSE has high construct validity, as has correlated in predicted directions with
the Beck Depression Inventory and the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory.

Chronbach’s α = [<.60] unacceptable; [.60-.65] undesirable; [.65-.70] minimally acceptable;

[.70-.80] respectable; [.80-.90] very good; [>.90] # items should be
shortened (DeVellis, 2003).

METHODOLOGY: Answer the following questions/items on a microsoft word document, and
be sure to number your answers…

1. What is the research question? What is your research hypothesis? What statistical test

did you use to test it?
2. What are your independent and dependent variables?
3. Describe your sampling method (choose a specific type of probability or non-probability

sampling method). How did you carry-out sampling? What were the inclusion and/or
exclusion criteria for participants? Explain.

4. Cultural competency: Describe how and where you administer the RSE. Explain your

5. How much time (days, weeks, months, etc) will you allow between pre-test and post-
test? Explain why you chose that amount of time.

6. How would you (hypothetically) test construct (or criterion) validity of the RSE scale?
7. Run a reliability analysis on your pre-test scale data (make sure this analysis is included on

your SPSS Output file). How reliable is the scale?
8. Write-up the results of your study (see document in SPSS Lab 2 folder “Template for

Writing-Up Paired Sample t-test” and your Output file to format/answer this question).

Name_____ ___________

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

: Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself. Please circle the appropriate answer for each item, depending on whether you strongly agree (1), agree (2), disagree (3), or strongly disagree (4) with it.

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

________ _____ _______ _______

1. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.

1 2 3 4

2. At times I think I am no good at all. 1 2 3 4

3. I feel that I have a number of good qualities. 1 2 3 4

4. I am able to do things as well as most other people. 1 2 3 4

5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of. 1 2 3 4

6. I certainly feel useless at times. 1 2 3 4

7. I feel that I am a person of worth. 1 2 3 4

8. I wish I could have more respect for myself. 1 2 3 4

9. All in all, I am inclined to think that I am a failure. 1 2 3 4

10. I take a positive attitude toward myself. 1 2 3 4

SPSS Lab #2: How to Write-Up Results of a Paired-Samples samples t-test

(Use this paragraph template to write-up your results, by filling-in the information from your study in the sections with red font)

A paired-samples t-test was conducted to test the hypothesis that H1 here. The dependent variable was write
Dependent Variable here, as measured by the describe scale, range of scores; interpretation of scores. The
independent variable was write Independent variable here. The scale was administered to describe participant
sample here (N=?), before and after the write intervention here. The insert intervention here demonstrated a write
impact/relationship here, t(X) = -X.XXX, p=.XXX. Participants demonstrated describe construct and Mean
differences at pre-and post-test here. Results suggest that describe overall conclusion/generalizations that can be
made about the impact of the specific intervention on your construct/specific population.

SPSS Lab #2: Defining Variables and Running Paired/Dependent samples t-test with Standardized Scales

Step #1: Define variables (participant ID & scale item #s for pre- and post-tests) in “Variable View” tab. Then, enter data from pre- and post-

tests in “Data View” tab

Step #2: Reverse coding (Note: do this for BOTH pre- and post-test items that need reverse coding)

1 = 4

2 = 3

3 = 2

4 = 1

Step #3: Compute a ‘total scale score’ for each participant on BOTH pre-test and post-test measures (Click on “Transform”, then “Compute

Step #4: Run your Paired Samples t-test

Item 1+Item2+Item3+…Item10

Step #5: Interpret your Output file

Step #6: Write-up template

A paired-samples t-test was conducted to test the hypothesis that (H1 here). The dependent variable was (DV here),
as measured by the (describe scale, range of scores; interpretation of scores). The independent variable was (IV here).
The scale was administered to (insert participant sample here) (N=? here), before and after the (insert intervention
here). The (insert intervention here) demonstrated a (insert impact/relationship here), t(X) = -X.XXX, p=.XXX.
Participants demonstrated (describe construct and Mean (M=X) differences at pre-and post-test here). Results suggest
that (describe overall conclusion/generalizations that can be made about the impact of the specific intervention on your
construct/specific population).

How to UPLOAD your SPSS Lab assignments (SOCW 360)

Step 1: Click on “SPSS Lab” tab in blackboard; Then click on “SPSS Lab 1” folder
Step 2: Scroll to bottom of page and you will see a link entitled “Submit SPSS Lab 1 HERE”; Then click on that link
Step 3: Upload three required files by clicking on “Browse my computer” button; Then upload your (1) Microsoft word doc [this has your answers from the CASE
SCENARIO], (2) Your SPSS Datafile [is an “.sav” file], and (3) Your SPSS Output file [is an “.spv” file].

(Note: You must upload your two SPSS files from a computer that has the SPSS software. If you don’t do this, your SPSS files will be saved as “.jnl” files, which

I CANNOT open. Any SPSS files that are uploaded as a “.jnl” file extension will receive “0” credit; Check this BEFORE you click “SUBMIT”).

Make SURE these
SPSS files
are NOT “.jnl” files!!!

Your Data file should
end in “.sav”

Your Output file
should end in “.spv”

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