The writing assignment covers chapters 8, 9 10, 11,12 and 13 You must repeat the question you are answering before you answer the question including subsections.You must identify each page of your wri

The writing assignment covers chapters 8, 9 10, 11,12 and 13

  • You must repeat the question you are answering before you answer the question including subsections.
  • You must identify each page of your writing assignment with your full name and page number.
  • Every writing assignment is an English exam; grammar, spelling and sentence structure will be included in grading your answers, including the responses to the discussion board.
  • You must write in complete sentences. You should not use colloquialisms
  • Your answers are due no later than 11:30 PM on the date indicated due in the syllabus.
  • Assignments cannot be otherwise mailed or placed in campus mailboxes or left on campus
  • You must use APA method of citing only.
  • You must define all terms clearly
  • All answers must include clear examples indicating understanding of the question and answer.
  • You must leave a 1-inch margin at the left and right side of your pages.
  • You may not use a font larger than 12 points


Required Readings: Course Text- Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare, Jeffrey P. Harrison, 2nd edition, 2016, Health Administration Press Chicago, Illinois. ISBN: 978-1-56793-791-6.

  • Based on Chapter 7, answer the following questions:
  1. What is a healthcare business plan? What key sections are included in a healthcare business plan?
  2. What are horizontal integration and vertical integration? How does vertical integration reflect a change of strategic direction for an organization?
  • Based on Chapter 8, answer the following questions:
  1. Who are key stakeholders in a healthcare organization? Provide an example of a motivating statement that might engage one of these groups.
  • Based on Chapter 9, answer the following questions:
  1. From your own experience as a patient, provide an example of high-value healthcare.
  2. Discuss the three pillars of Donabedian’s model for healthcare quality assurance. Does this model have practical applications today, given the current focus on healthcare value?
  3. Imagine you are a hospital executive and you want to improve your organization’s value proposition. What areas do you need to assess to develop an improvement plan?
  4. Why is clinical integration important in the current healthcare environment
  • Based on Chapter 10, answer the following questions:
  1. Research shows the number of elderly Americans with chronic health conditions is growing significantly. What strategic implications does the increasing demand for skilled nursing care have for the nursing home industry?
  • Based on Chapter 11, answer the following questions:
  1. Name five areas in which CMC has some components of an IDS in place. Develop a list of five new areas or activities that CMC could successfully integrate into a health system
  • Based on Chapter 12 answer the following questions:

    1. Imagine you are a hospital executive and you want to improve your organization’s value proposition. What areas do you need to assess to develop an improvement plan?
  • Based on Chapter 13, answer the following questions:

    1. What is individualized medicine? What value it brings in a competitive market?
    2. What are the important characteristics of a PCMH? How could telemedicine be a part of the PCMH?

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