I have a biology lab this week. I attached the file.

I have a biology lab this week. I attached the file.

I have a biology lab this week. I attached the file.
BIOL 106 Online Final Lab Exam Name_____________________________________________ Please write your answers in RED so it is easier for me to see them. Thank you! There are 27 questions. Pond A Pond B FieldPesticideForest adult sunfishScenario : On the same day, you fish for sunfish in two different ponds located five miles from one another. Pond A is surrounded by pristine, undisturbed forest, while Pond B is located next to land cleared for agricultural use. After your day of fishing, you consider the following… OBSERVATIONS : Adult sunfish in Pond B are smaller than adult sunfish in Pond A. Pond B is next to a field that is sprayed with pesticides, while Pond A is next to an undisturbed forest. QUESTIONS YOU ASK YOURSELF: Why are adult sunfish in Pond B smaller than those in Pond A? Does exposure to the pesticide inhibit fish growth? You decide to design an experiment to test the following hypothesis… HYPOTHESIS: Exposure to pesticide slows sunfish growth. PREDICTION : If baby sunfish are exposed to pesticide, then they will grow more slowly than baby sunfish that are not exposed to pesticide. Experiment: You set up two fish tanks according to the table below, and you add two baby fish to each tank. Assume that all the baby fish are… -exactly 24 hours old (i.e., 1 day) -genetic siblings (i.e., same mom & dad) 1A: Which tank is the CONTROL group? _____________________ (3 pts) 1B: Which tank is the EXPERIMENTAL group?_________________ (3 pts)Scientific Method Tank A purified spring water Tank B purified spring water + pesticide Data & Results: You measure the length of the fish four times as they grow – on day 10 , day 20 , day 30 , & day 40 . Table: LENGTH (in cm) of each fish Tank A , Fish 1 (Fish A1 ) Tank A , Fish 2 (Fish A2 ) Tank B , Fish 1 (Fish B1 ) Tank B , Fish 2 (Fish B2 ) Day 10 3 2 1 1 Day 20 7 5 4 3 Day 30 10 9 8 5 Day 40 14 13 11 9 2. Graph the fish growth data. Be sure to give your graph a descriptive title (2 pts), label your axes, and include units (2 pts). Use the appropriate type of graph (2 pts) Use different symbols (or colors) to represent the growth data for each different fish , and provide a legend so that readers know which data belong to which fish. (1 pt). Use Excel or some other graphing program to insert your graph or upload the file along with your exam. 3a. What is the independent variable in the example? ________________________________________________ (3 pts) What is the dependent variable in the example? _________________________________________________(3 pts) 3b. Do the data support your hypothesis, or do they lead you to reject your hypothesis? In a short paragraph, explain your answer by referring to the results in your graph. (5 pts) You are doing an experiment on the habitat preference of red-eyed treefrogs. You want to determine if red-eyed treefrogs spend more time sitting in a tree or on the ground. Here is the data you obtained from your experiment. Time in tree (minutes) Time on ground (minutes) Frog 1 24 6 Frog 2 15 10 Frog 3 22 8 Frog 4 18 4 Frog 5 19 7 Use Excel or some other graphing program to insert your graph or upload the file along with your exam. 4. Using the data, construct an appropriate graph to adequately express your data.(4 pts) 5. Label the axes (2 pts ) and give your graph a descriptive title.(2 pts) Groundwater Lab 6. Research a groundwater contamination event that was in the news. You can use the MC library website or google to find a news article. Write a short paragraph about this groundwater contamination event consisting of six well-constructed sentences. You must address the following questions: (12 pts) A.Where and when did this contamination occur? B.What did the groundwater get contaminated with? How did the contamination occur? C.Did it impact people? If so, how? D.What could have been done to prevent this contamination? Explain. pH and the Environment Lab 7. Lemon juice has a pH of 4 and stomach acid has a pH of 2. Which substance is more acidic? (3 pts) _____________________________ 8. Read the following article: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190823-can-lessons- from-acid-rain-help-stop-climate-change A. The article says that the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) on the Canada-US border escaped acid precipitation so it served as a control. What is a control? (2 pts) What do they mean the lake served as a control? (4 pts) B. Scientists actually made some of the lakes in the ELA area acidic by adding a sulfuric acid solution. Then they studied the effects. What do you think about this? They dramatically lowered the pH of lakes (impacting fish and other organisms that lived there) to study the effect. Are there any moral implications to this study? Their findings did help initiate more rigid air quality standards but was it worth it? (4 pts) C. The experimentas at the ELA lakes are over. How have the lakes and organisms recovered? Are they completely back to what they were before the experiments were done? (4 pts) Sea Level Rise Lab 9. Research a recent news article about sea level rise. Provide the website citation (2 pts) for the article and summarize the information presented in the article in approximately 200 words. (5 pts) 10. Go to the following website: https://www.miamidade.gov/global/economy/resilience/sea-level-rise-flooding.page This is the Sea Level Rise Action Plan for Miami-Dade County, Florida. Click on the + for Sea Level Rise Projections. How much higher is the sea level predicted to be in 2060 than it was in 1992? (3 pts) 11. Now click on the + at Adapting to Sea Level Rise. Choose one of the Sea Level Rise Task Forces’ reports. The reports are long and you don’t have to read the whole thing. Give a little bit of information that you learned from the report you chose. (150 words miniumum) (5 pts) Plastics Lab 12. Before the 5 cent bag fee, Marylanders used many more plastic bags. Below you see some data showing percentages of bag usage before and after the bag fee was implemented. Number of Bags Used Typical Usage Before Fee Typical Usage After Fee 0 3% 23% 1 2% 7% 2 5% 9% 3-5 21% 23% 6-9 11% 10% 10-19 30% 17% 20+ 8% 1% (Data from Greater Greater Washington.org) A. Graph the data using Excel or other graphing software to best visually portray the information. (3 pts) B. Include a title (2 pts) C. Label axes (2 pts each) D. What does the data tell you? Was the bag fee successful? EXPLAIN!! (5 pts) Agriculture Lab 13. Research a news article about agriculture and the environment. Make sure it is a reputable article. Provide the website citation for the article (2 pts) and summarize the article in approximately 200 words (5 pts). 14. Large amounts of fossil fuel are required to power heavy farming machinery, to process foods, to refrigerate foods during transportation, to produce packaging materials, and to manufacture and transport chemical inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. Here is a graph showing energy consumption for crops and livestock in the U.S. This comes from “Annual Energy Outlook.” U. S. Energy Information Administration , U. S. Energy Information Administration – EIA, 17 Oct. 2014, www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=18431 . A. For crops, which fuel type is most used? (3 pts) B. You have probably never heard of that type of fuel. Look it up and find out what it is. Provide the explanation here. (5 pts) C. For livestock, which fuel is used the least? (3 pts) Climate Change Lab 15. Read the following article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/emanuelabarbiroglio/2020/04/25/climate-change-made- 2019-the-warmest-year-on-record/#dae104f29cb8 A. How many degrees Celsius was 2019 above average as determined by the annual mean temperature? (4 pts) B. It states that consequences of climate change can be extreme weather conditions. What are extreme weather conditions? (look it up) (4 pts) C. Water specialist Imeshe Weerasinghe states that “There appears to be a much stronger trend in extremes than in averages,”. What does that mean? Explain IN YOUR OWN WORDS (5 pts). 16. See the figure below showing an increase in 90 degree days comparing historical climate data to that of projected data. Projected number of days per year with a maximum temperature greater than 90°F averaged between 2041 and 2070, compared to 1971-2000, assuming continued increases in global emissions (A2) and substantial reductions in future emissions (B1). (Figure source: NOAA NCDC / CICS-NC). Number of days with 90 degree temperatures is shown to increase with the darker red color. A. Does Maryland show an increase, decrease, or same amount of 90 degree days in the projection? (3 pts) B. Do any areas stay the same with the number of 90 degree days for the projection compared to the historical data? Why do you think some areas are projected to have the same number of 90 degree days? ( explain your thoughts ) (5 pts) 17. An “urban heat island” is a metropolitan area that is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities. How does the “urban heat island” effect have the potential to harm vulnerable populations in the Northeast U.S. such as the Washington D.C. region? (5 pts) Amazon Rainforest Deforestation Lab Read the following article: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145988/tracking-amazon-deforestation- from-above 18.What was causing the extreme deforestation in the 1990s and 2000s? (3 pts) 19.What happened in 2004 to slow the deforestation? (3 pts) 20.Since 2008, new forest-clearing hotspots have emerged in Columbia and Peru. What activities have contributed to this? (3 pts) Coral Bleaching Lab In the graph above you see how sea surface temperatures have changed over the Great Barrier Reef over time. 21. What is the trend that you see in the graph? (3 pt) 22.How does temperature affect coral bleaching? Explain!!! (4 points) Drinking Water Contamination Rockville develops drinking water quality report each year. Go to the 2020 report at this website: https://www.rockvillemd.gov/DocumentCenter/View/38777/Annual-Drinking-Water- Quality-Report-2020 Answer the following questions using the Rockville 2020 Water Quality Report. 23. What agencies regulate and enforce the water quality standards? (3 pts) 24. Were there any violations in the Rockville water? (2 pts) A. Yes B.No 25. Why is chlorine added to the water? (4 pts) 26. Read the additional information for lead. How can you minimize the potential for lead exposure? (4 pts) 27. How are you? How are you doing with online classes? How well did the 7 week format work for you? How are you coping in general? Feel free to share as much or as little as you want. (30 points)

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