READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW: Instructions: From the Case Studies provided, the student will: Step 1: Read the three case studies provided within Module 4 in Blackboard under folder “Special Assignmen



From the Case Studies provided, the student will:

  • Step 1:  Read the three case studies provided within Module 4 in Blackboard under folder “Special Assignment”
  • Step 2: Select two of the bolded medical terms from each case study for a total of 6 medical terms. Do not use the same medical term or variations of the same term more than once (ex. bilateral and bilaterally would be considered one term only)
  • Step 3: Select two of the bolded abbreviations from each case study for a total of 6 abbreviations
  • Step 4: Analyze the Terms

a. Identify the case study from which you have taken the term

b. Number the term, write the term and then divide the term into the correct

component word parts

c. Identify the component word parts as prefix, root word, suffix, or combining vowel

d. Give the meaning of each component word part

e. Define the term by developing a sentence using the definition in a practical

application.   This must be in your own words.

Case study #X:

1. Term – cerebrospinal      Division:  cerebr/o/spin/al

Word parts and meaning:

root word: cerebr – meaning brain

combining vowel: o – no meaning

root word: spin – meaning spinal cord

suffix: al – meaning pertaining to

Definition of term:  pertaining to the brain and spinal cord

Sentence:  The patient went for an x-ray of their brain and spinal cord to assess

neurological damage.

  • Step 5:  Analyze the Abbreviations:
  1. a.Identify the case study from which you have taken the abbreviation.  Do not use the same abbreviation more than once. Do not use an abbreviation which stands for a medical term you have analyzed.
  2. b.Number the abbreviation, write the abbreviation
  3. c.Provide the meaning of each abbreviated letter.  Some abbreviations with multiple letters will represent a single word only, while others will have a word for each letter.

d. Define  the abbreviation by developing a sentence using the definition in a practical

application.   This must be in your own words.

Some abbreviations have multiple meanings.   Be sure to use the meaning consistent

with the use in the case study.

Example: CSF can be either cerebrospinal fluid OR colony stimulating factor.  You must

select the correct meaning based on context.

Case study # X

1. Abbreviation: ICU

Meaning of each letter:

I =  intensive

C = care

U = unit

Sentence:  The patient in critical condition was moved to the intensive care unit for



  • Must be a Microsoft WORD document.  Other word processing programs will not be accepted.
  • Format:

Grading Criteria Rubric:

Total points possible: 30.

1  point:  Timely submission – submitted by specified due date per course schedule

2 points:   Format (format, margins, length, font)

2  points:  Grammar ( include part of speech of the term) and spelling. All words must be

spelled correctly (proof read for typos). Your sentences must make sense

and be written with correct grammar

15 points:  Medical term analysis – per the above directions

10  points:  Abbreviation analysis – per the above directions

Each student will get comments on the special assignment via BB grade center area under feedback or instructor notes. Your grade will be posted to Blackboard grade center.


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