composition project (Harmony and Accompaniment)

Our objectives in this segment of the Composition Project are: Start a new piano score in Musescore. Write your existing melody from the previous segment of the assignment into the treble clef. Convert the chords from the bass clef of the previous section of the project into one of two accompaniment patterns.  Identify the chords on the score both with chord symbols and figured bass symbols. Identify the final cadence.

Here are details on how to accomplish these tasks:

1. Start a new piano score in Musescore. Create the score with the same parameters as those we have been using: Grand Staff, Key of C Major, Tempo 60 bpm, 4/4 time, 16 measures in length.

2. Write your existing melody from the previous segment of the assignment into the treble clef. Do not write the chords in the bass clef yet.

Now it’s time to add the chords, but we’re going to do it a little differently this time. We’re going to 3. convert the chords from the bass clef of the previous section of the project into one of two possible accompaniment patterns. I have rearranged the original sixteen measures of triads, some in root position and some in chord inversions, in a way that allows the chords to flow more smoothly into one another. The chord in measure 15 has the same root as the one in the original chord progression, but now it is a 7th-chord with one note missing (D). Here are the updated chords:

Your job is to turn these chords into an accompaniment pattern that compliments your melody. You will base your accompaniment pattern on the chords just as they appear above. Here’s how:

Accompaniment patterns make music sound both more expressive and more interesting, and there are many possibilities. The simplest one you can choose from for this assignment consists of the chord in each measure (above) being repeated four times, once on each beat, like this example of the first two measures:

When you’re finished, you should end up with something that follows the whole chord scheme pictured above and looks like this in each measure (but with your own melody instead of mine):

The Alberti Bass creates a nice accompaniment. It’s accomplished by breaking the chords in the bass clef apart into individual 8th notes as follows in this example of the first two measures:

Notice that the chords are broken up in this order: bottom note first, then top note, then middle note, then top note (then that pattern is repeated) — always in the same order. When you’re finished, you should end up with something that follows the whole chord scheme pictured above and looks like this in each measure (but with your own melody instead of mine):

By the way, if you’re wondering what those arcane-looking letters and numbers are in the score, they are examples of the chord symbols and figured bass symbols that you’ll also be adding to your score. These are both ways of describing the chords in a piece of music to other musicians. The information in the webtext and in this unit’s videos cover both of these topics.

4. Identify the chords on the score both with chord symbols and figured bass symbols. Here are instructions for adding chord symbols to your piece in Musescore: (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。

The information that is pertinent to your task is just at the top of the page. You won’t need the material from Chord Symbol Syntax on down the page.

Here are instructions for adding Figured Bass Symbols to your piece: (链接到外部网站。)链接到外部网站。

The information that is pertinent to your task is just at the top of the page. You won’t need the material from Accidentalson down the page.

5. Identify the final cadence. For this you will enter text identifying the cadence into the score and place it under the last measure. You will want to click on a note in the last measure, enter Staff Text using the Keyboard Shortcut method, and drag it to the required position under the measure. Here are instructions on how to do that: (链接到外部网站。)

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