I need this assignment in about two hours–just 6 paragraphs
Here is what I am doing my research on. Need someone to write about six paragraphs on the information provided below
1. Topic – an investigation into how workplace stress lead to health complications.
2. Problem statement – workplace stress and health complications resulting from the same is a subject that has attracted a lot of attention among psychology and other health scholars. Of interest is how workplace stress can lead to health complications. This is one area that has not been explored hence needs exploration.
3. Purpose – The ultimate purpose of this study is to investigate and explore a further and deeper understanding of how workplace stress contributes to health complications.
4. Research questions – R1; how does workplace stress contribute to health complications?
R2; what psychological processes do workers use to overcome work related stress?
5. Hypothesis/variables or phenomena:- H1: there exist health related issues resulting from stress at places of work and the need to know how such health issues result from workplace stress. There is also need to deal with such stress and reduce or eliminate it altogether.
6. Literature Review
a. Background of the problem/gap
i. A lot of study has been done on reducing work related psychological ill health and sickness absence. However, nothing has been done to investigate how workplace stress leads to health complications (Cooper, et al. 1976)
ii. Occupational sources of stress have been studied. Suggestions have been given on studying how ill health can be connected to workplace stress (Cooper, et al. 1976)
iii. Studies have been carried out concerning health and well being in the work place. Further suggestions are made by the same on exploring how workplace stress leads to ill health (Ganster and Schaubroeck . 1991)
b. Theoretical foundations (models and theories to be foundation for study)
i. Person-environment fit theory ( ACTA FAC MED NAISS 2006)
ii. Stressful job conditions (Nosh, 2013)
iii. Individual and situational factors (Nosh, 2013)
iv. Risk of injury and illness (Nosh, 2013)
c. Review of literature topics with key theme for each one;
i. Growth Aspect: Understanding the thought and psychological processes of a stress free workplace would lead to improvements in reducing diseases related to such stress. (Nosh, 2013)
ii. Present Research: Investigation into the physical and psychological issues concerned with stress resulting from stress at workplaces (Nosh, 2013)
iii. Research Suggestion: Present research suggests an investigation into psychological experiences of workplace related health complications(Nosh, 2013)
iv Interpersonal Relationships. Lack of support or help from co-workers and supervisors. Poor social environment. (Nosh, 2013)
v. Work Roles. Uncertain job expectations and too much responsibility (Nosh, 2013)
vi. Environmental conditions. Unattractive conditions such as air and noise pollution, crowding and ergonomic problems.
d. Summary.
i. Gap/problem: There is a need for an investigation into how workplace stress can be linked to health complications.
ii. Prior studies: prior studies have explored in great detail the existence of health complications resulting from workplace stress but how this is so has not been yet been researched. This forms the background of this particular study.
iii.Qualitative Study: the psychological factors will be examined and discussed through interview as a data collection process.
iv. Significance: this research will shed light on the unexplored aspect of how stress at places of work contributes to ill health. The research will also try to provide solutions to workplace stress in order to reduce or eliminate the problem. The report will further recommend ways of dealing or managing workplace stress to curb resulting health issues.
7. Methodology and Design – The study will be conducted through the use of a qualitative descriptive phenomenological case study.
8. Sample and Location – The sample for this study will be obtained from 6 individuals who have experienced stress at their places of work. The individuals will then be asked if they have any complications and if they had such complications before they started experiencing stress at their places of work. 6 other individuals who have not experienced stress at work will also be investigated as a control experiment.
9. Data Collection – The principal source of data to be used in this study will be interviewing the individuals and also making observations.
10. Data Analysis – an investigation on how workplace stress can lead to health complications is presented using qualitative investigation and analysis using interviews and observations of the control individuals (Nosh, 2013).
Stress in the workplace is not uncommon in today’s working environment. Excessive amounts of stress can cause emotional and physical problems in one’s health. Research has found that the overwhelming feeling of being trapped in the workplace can increase a person’s risk of developing health related diseases, such as coronary heart disease, which is considered to be the leading cause of death in the United States (Biggs, 2009). Further research is necessary to develop stress management techniques in the workplace to help employees understand coping skills that will reduce stress levels, lower health care costs, and create a better working environment.
Background of the Problem
Stress in the workplace has been a major cause of health problems in the United States. Job related anxiety and health related issues account for more deaths than diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease per year. Previous research has shown that the American workforce feels overwhelmed. Often a person’s workday will roll into their personal time, and individuals become frustrated because it is virtually impossible to make plans in their personal life, when job schedules are continually changing. In a recent article from Harvard and Stanford Business Schools, researchers identified stressors in the workplace that ranged from long hours, insecurities at the job, and the lack of insurance available for health related issues. Research delve into mortality rates associated with stress in the workplace and found that 120,000 deaths were associated with workplace stress in the past few years (Leiter, & Robichaud, 2011).
The American Psychological Association had a survey conducted for “Stress in the America” in 2011. The survey used 1,226 people from four generations, with 220 individuals being considered caregivers (The Millennials, Generation X, Boomers, and Matures). Results were weighed by sex, age, education level, household income, and region. The study revealed that 55% of the people that took care of a family member felt overwhelmed by the amount of care that is needed to take care of an older family member or one that has a chronic illness (Lee, Colditz, Berkman, & Kawachi, 2003).
Further research is needed to determine what can be done to reduce workplace stress and ultimately minimize the number of fatal deaths that occur annually. It has been shown in research that more people have heart attacks on a Monday morning than any other day of the week, which leads to the question of why this takes place and what can be done to reduce the climbing rates (Lee, Colditz, Berkman, & Kawachi, 2003).
Assignment Starts here…………….Theoretical Foundations and Review of the Literature/Themes
The Theoretical Foundations section of the Prospectus provides a big picture of the theory(ies) or conceptual models that will provide the foundation for the study and addressing the problem statement. The preliminary Review of the Literature/Themes section defines and describes the major topics or themes related to the dissertation topic. The Theoretical Foundations, as well as, the problem statement help to define the Research Questions.
Theoretical foundations/conceptual framework . This section names and describes the theory(s) or model(s) that will provide the Theoretical Foundation for the research study. Additionally, it describes their relevance to the proposed study topic and the stated problem that came out of the Background section. Citations from seminal and/or other sources are provided to justify the selected theory(s) or model(s). For a quantitative study, it should provide the theory or model for each variable as well the rationale for studying the relationship between the variables. For a qualitative study, it should discuss how the theories or models are relevant to understanding the phenomenon.
Review of the literature/themes. This section on the Review of the Literature/Themes lists and describes the major themes or topics found in the literature related to the research topic and problem statement for the dissertation. This list of themes or topics is presented as a bulleted list of the major themes/topics related to the research topic. Each theme or topic should have a three to four sentence summary that describes the theme and its relevance to the dissertation topic. Include at least two empirical research citations from the past 5 years for each topic or theme.
Criteria (Required Components): score 0-3 Learner Self-Evaluation Score
(0-3) Chair or Reviewer Evaluation Score
(0-3) Theoretical Foundations and/or Conceptual Framework
This section identifies the theory(s) or model(s) that provide the foundation for the research. This section should present the theory(s) or models(s) and explain how the problem under investigation relates to the theory or model. The theory(s) or models(s) guide the research questions and justify what is being measured (variables) as well as how those variables are related (quantitative) or the phenomena being investigated (qualitative).
Review of the Literature
This section provides a broad, balanced overview of the existing literature related to the proposed research topic. It describes the literature in related topic areas and its relevance to the proposed research topic findings, providing a short one-two sentence description of each theme/topic and identifies its relevance to the research topic supporting it with at least one citation from the literature.
The recommended length for this section is two-three paragraphs
1. Theoretical Foundations section identifies the theory(s), model(s) relevant to the variables (quantitative study) or phenomenon (qualitative study). This section should explain how the study topic or problem coming out of the “need” or “defined gap” in the Background to the Problem section relates to the theory(s) or model(s). (One paragraph)
2. Review of the Literature Themes/Topics section : This section lists the major themes or topics related to the research topic. It provides a short one-two sentence description of each theme/topic and identifies its relevance to the research topic supporting it with at least one citation from the literature. (One or two sentences per theme/topic).
3. ALIGNMENT: The Theoretical Foundations models and theories need to be related to and support the problem statement or study topic. The sections in the Review of the Literature are topical areas needed to understand the various aspects of the phenomenon (qualitative) or variables/groups (quantitative) being studied; to select the design needed to address the Problem Statement; to select surveys or instruments to collect information on variables/groups; to define the population and sample for the study; to describe components or factors that comprise the phenomenon; to describe key topics related to the study topic, etc.
NOTE: The two parts of this section use information from Point #2 (Literature Review) from the 10 Strategic Points.This Theoretical Foundations section is expanded upon to become the Theoretical Foundations section in Chapter 2 (Literature Review). The Theoretical Foundations section is also used to help create the Advancing Scientific Knowledge section in Chapter 1. This Review of Literature Themes/Topics section is expanded upon to provide the Review of the Literature section in Chapter 2 (Literature Review). The Review of the Literature Themes/Topics section is also used to provide the basis for the Significance of the Study section in Chapter 1.
NOTE: When writing this section ensure it has a logical flow, as well as uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, tense, punctuation, and APA format. Comments from the Evaluator:
Problem Statement
This section of the Prospectus should begin with a one-sentence Problem Statement in the format appropriate for the design. It should clearly state the problem or research focus. This problem or research focus should evolve from the Background to the Problem section discussed above. The problem statement should begin with a clear declarative statement. This section describes the significance, magnitude, and importance of the problem that makes the study worthwhile. This section should be supported with citations from the literature.
Criteria (Required Components): score 0-3Learner Self-Evaluation Score
(0-3) Chair or Reviewer Evaluation Score
(0-3) Problem Statement
This section includes the problem statement, the population affected, and how the study will contribute to solving the problem.
The recommended length for this section is one paragraph. 1. Presents a clear declarative statement that begins with either:
“It is not known how or why…” (qualitative),
“It is not known if or to what degree/extent…” (quantitative).
2. Clearly describes the magnitude and importance of the problem, supporting it with citations from the literature.
3. ALIGNMENT: The problem statement is developed from and justified by the “need” or “defined gap” defined by the Literature that is discussed in the Background to the Problem section above.
NOTE: This section elaborates on Points #3 (Problem Statement) from the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the foundation for the Problem Statement section in Chapter 1(and other Chapters where appropriate) in the Proposal.
NOTE: When writing this section ensure it has a logical flow, as well as uses correct paragraph structure, sentence structure, tense, punctuation, and APA format Comments from Evaluator:
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