need immediate help

I had a deal with someone else on this site and I was supposed to receive the information this morning.  I have emailed the individual and have received no response.  I need to get help asap…….I am trying to write another paper from information that should have come from the 10 point strategies paper that is due tomorrow.   Can anyone help?????


This is an example of the ten point strategic plan.  I will be basing my research off of workplace stress and health related issues.  Below is a copy of what the plan should look like.  I would like to do this template and relate it to my topic.  For instance, research has shown that more people have heart attacks on Monday than any other day of the week.  Research has attributed it to people being stressed out about the upcoming week.  My topic will be related to stress in the workplace, so my ten strategy points must reflect that.  Please delete material in the template and add ideas for my research topic.  This is not a graded assignment… is an optional class assignment that can be used later in a regular assignment.



The Ten Strategic PointsTopic – Description of the phenomena experienced by performance martial arts breakers during the allowed 120 seconds in competition after a failed attempt, where a successful break follows.  Problem Statement – The psychological factors and thought processes of performance breakers after failure, and prior to a following successful break is a phenomena yet to be investigated.    Purpose Statement –The purpose of this qualitative descriptive phenomenological case study is to further understand the thought process and psychological process of performance martial arts breakers after failure and prior to a following successful break.  Additionally, this study should shed light on pain/punishment response in athletes, as a failed break typically results in pain.Research Questions –

R1:  Is there a unique phenomena that exists in competitive martial arts breaking? 

R2: What psychological processes do competitive breakers use to overcome a failed attempt and prepare for a successful re-attempt?Hypothesis/Variables or Phenomena –

a.         P1: There exist a unique phenomena in performance martial arts breaking after a     failed attempt due to immediate pain response, and a need to quickly prepare for a           2nd attempt.  Literature Review –

 a. Background of the problem/gap;

            i.          Visualization in boxing has been studied with regards to posture; however,                         a lack on research exists on visualization in combat sport striking (Rzepko,              et al. 2014).

            ii.         Threat assessment was recently studied with regards to sports imagery;                               however, threat assessment has not been studied in response of a failure                             with a          pain/punishment like variable (Willams & Cumming, 2012).  

            iii.        Recent research has suggested the need for investigation into                                              psychological experiences involved with performance board breaking                                  (Davison, 2011).

b. Theoretical foundations (models and theories to be foundation for study);

            i.          Visualization in task performance/Killology visualization (Nordin &                                    Cumming, 2005), (Grossman, 1995).

            ii.         Arousal control in performance athletics (Edwards, et al. 2013).

            iii.        Self-talk in athletics (Ghaffari, Bagherli, & Sanatkaran, 2013).

            iv.        Threat appraisal in potentially dangerous task performance (Williams &                               Cumming, 2012).

            v.         Pain response (Tesarz, Schuster, Hartmann, Gerhardt, & Eich, 2012).

 c. Review of literature topics with key theme for each one;

            i.          Growth Aspect:Understanding the thought and psychological processes                           of successful performance breakers after a failed attempt would lead to                              improvements in martial arts breaking training.

            ii.         Present Research: Investigation into the physical and psychological                                  issues concerned with martial arts board breaking (Davison, 2011).

            iii.        Research Suggestion: Present research suggests an investigation into the                           psychological experiences of performance board breakers (Davison, 2011)

            iv.        Visualization/Killology: Visualization has shown to increase performance              in task execution (Nordin & Cummings, 2005).  Killology is a form of                                    visualization taught in board            breaking where the boards represent force                             levels associated with injury infliction (for example, if a strike breaks                          three 1 inch 12×12 pine boards, the same strike would have the potential                          of breaking an average adult male’s jaw) (Grossman, 1995).

            v.         Arousal Control: The application of Stress Inoculation Training in sports                           to control emotions, anxiety, and physiological symptoms associated with                          arousal (Edwards, et al. 2013).

            vi.        Self-Talk:  Verbal expressions commonly used in combination of arousal                           control to further prepare and cope with physical task executions                                         (Ghaffari, et al. 2013).

             vii.       Threat Appraisal: The emotional and cognitive processes involved with                            evaluating the potential for, and degree of threat (Williams & Cumming,                            2012).  This becomes extremely important in power breaking.

             viii.      Pain Response/perception: Athletes are shown to have higher levels of                             pain tolerance; however, meta-analyses have yet to include board                                        breakers (Tesarz, et al. 2012). 

d. Summary.

            i.          Gap/problem: There is a need for an investigation into the  thought                                      processes and psychological experiences of performance martial arts                                    breakers in preparation of a successful break, after an initial failed attempt.

            ii.         Prior studies: Prior studies have investigate the psychological processes                               involved with task execution; however, there is a lack of research into the                           psychological processes involved with performance martial arts breaking.  

            iii.        Qualitative Study: Several psychological factors will be investigated and                            described through a phenomenological data collection interview process.   

            iv.        Significance: Research will add to the understanding of psychological                                factors used in performance board breaking, and in response to task                                    failure.  Research will also shed light on the unique psychological                                        events that occur during pain/punishment response immediately                                           following a failed attempt (typically hand pain). Methodology and Design – The study will be conducted through the use of a qualitative descriptive phenomenological case study.Sample and Location – The sample population will include 5-7 performance martial arts breakers.  The study will include at least one breaker trained under the guidance of Killology visualization, and one breaker experienced in power breaking (power breaking is a competition of who can break a larger stack of bricks).  The population of 5-7 breakers will include athletes from different disciplines of martial arts. A breaking competition will be held at a local martial arts school in the greater Portland OR  metro area (specifically either Moy’s Kung Fu, East West Kung Fu, or Shuny Bee’s martial arts academy).Data Collection – The primary source of qualitative data utilized for describing the phenomena of successful breaks after a failed attempt, will be phenomenological interviews, and general observation.  Data Analysis –

a.         An in-depth description of the phenomena experience by performance martial arts breakers in preparation of a successful break after an initial failed attempt, will be presented through an extensive qualitative investigation/analysis using phenomenological interviews (Englander, 2012).

b.         Observation of behaviors after a failed break attempt, and in preparation of a following successful attempt, will also be included in the data analysis.  


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