Respectfully Ethansky Only!!!! All other professor please kindly disregard and dont respond! i hope this is enough
I uploaded the powerpoint from the hn class about assignemnts as well, the professor went over the assignments. l. I hope that all of this helps. I am also going to paste all the assignments with the uploads here.
This is the Unit 7 assignment for Hn class, that is due on the 12th. I sent you info about simple single design you can choose like ABA, AB, etc I hope this cover everything and I appreciate you excellent and responses thanks again!
For this Assignment, you will write an essay as if you were Maritza, outlining a plan to work with one client.
In addition to running her group workshops for incarcerated women, Maritza also counsels most of the women individually. Maritza is planning to work with one client intensively, working on building parenting and self-efficacy skills in two one-on-one sessions each week for 6 months. Maritza would like to employ a single system research design to evaluate the effectiveness of this potential intervention.
Identify the most feasible research design for this intervention.
Explain your reasoning for choosing the design.
Discuss at least two practical or ethical constraints in your evaluation.
Discuss at least two threats to validity and how you could address these in your evaluation design.
Perform a web search to find a measurement tool that you believe would yield the best data for this type of research.
Explain why you think this tool will be helpful.
Assignment Guidelines
Explain your reasoning for choosing the design.
A title page
The body of the essay (1000–1200 words; the word count does not include the title or reference page)
Use standard margins: 1″ on all sides
Use standard 12-point font size, Times New Roman or Arial
Use standard double-spacingUse left-aligned text, do not right-justify
Unit 9 Assignemtn for Hn class that is due on the 11th of february.
For this Assignment, you will design and execute your own evaluation for a human services program. You may select a program you are familiar with, a program you wish to work with someday, or you may ask your instructor for some suggestions.
In your paper the following components need to be addressed:Describe the practice setting where the proposed evaluation will take place. Include a discussion of the population served and program(s) provided. (1–2 paragraphs).Identify and analyze the main objectives of the human service program. Evaluate at what assessment level if these objectives are being achieved. If they are, describe what makes them good. If they are not “good,” identify what could be done to make them good. (2 paragraphs).Based on your review of the program against what you have learned in this course and text about the delivery of services, describe one innovative change that you could make to the program to benefit the overall success rate of the program. (1-2 paragraphs)Select a research design that would be helpful to evaluate the effectiveness of this program. Explain why you chose that specific design. (2–3 paragraphs)How will you determine the study sample for your research design? (1 paragraph).Discuss any ethical considerations with regard to the participants, such as how you will keep the information confidential, protect the client, etc. (1–2 paragraphs).Explain how you will measure client progress. Conduct online research to determine one or two measurement scales that would be helpful for your research design. (2–3 paragraphs).Determine any threats to validity related to your research design. (1–3 paragraphs).Discuss how you would use data from the evaluation to inform your program. (1–2 paragraphs).Conclusion – Discuss what you have learned about evaluation from this Assignment (1–2 paragraphs).
Assignment Guidelines
Your essay should include:
A title page
The body of the essay (1800–2000 words; the word count does not include the title or reference page)
Use standard margins: 1″ on all sides
Use standard 12-point font size, Times New Roman or Arial
Use standard double-spacing
Use left-aligned text, do not right-justify
Here is the rubrics for for Assignment 7 and 9 above for Hn class
Grading Criteria Unit 7
% – Points
Course Content
Addresses each of the following areas in paragraph format:
1. Identify the most feasible research design for this intervention.
2. Explain your reasoning for choosing that design.
3. Discuss at least two practical or ethical constraints in your evaluation.
4. Discuss at least two threats to validity and how you could address these in your evaluation design.
5. Perform a web search to find a measurement tool that you believe would yield the best data for this type of research.
6. Explain why you think this tool will be helpful.
Uses appropriate references to course material.
Structure: Includes complete paragraphs, proper sentence structure, clear and logical organization throughout. Primarily student’s own words with quotes used very sparingly. Includes at least two references in support of observations.
Mechanics: Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Free of typographical errors, double-spaced, 1000-1200 words in length (not including the cover page or reference page).
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the Assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.
Final Assignment
Your Final Assignment will be due at the end of Unit 9.
Grading Criteria Final Assignment
% – Points
Course Content
Addresses each of the following areas in paragraph format:
I. Describe the practice setting where the proposed evaluation will take place. Include a Discussion of the population served and program(s) provided (1-2 paragraphs).
II. Identify and analyze the main objectives of the program. Evaluate if these objectives are good. If they are, describe what makes them good. If they are not “good”, identify what could be done to make them good. (2 paragraphs).
III. Based on your review of the program against what you have learned in this course and text about the delivery of services, describe one innovative change that you could make to the program to benefit the overall success rate of the program. (1-2 paragraphs)
IV. Select a research design that would be helpful to evaluate the effectiveness of this program. Explain why you chose that specific design. (2-3 paragraphs).
V. How will you determine the study sample for your research design? (1 paragraph).
VI. Discuss any ethical considerations with regard to the participants, such as how you will keep the information confidential, protect the client, etc. (1-2 paragraphs).
VII. Explain how you will measure client progress. Do online research to determine one or two measurement scales that would be helpful for your research design. (2-3 paragraphs).
VIII. Determine any threats to validity related to your research design. (1-3 paragraphs).
IX. Discuss how you would use data from the evaluation to inform your practice. (1-2 paragraphs).
X. Conclusion – Discuss what you have learned about evaluation from this Assignment (1-2 paragraphs).
Uses appropriate references to course material.
Structure: Evidence of complete paragraphs, including introductory and concluding paragraphs. Has proper sentence structure, as well as clear and logical organization throughout. Primarily student’s own words with quotes used very sparingly. Includes at least 2 references in support of observations.
Mechanics: Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA style. Free of typographical errors, double-spaced, 1800-2000 words in length (not including the cover page or reference page).
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the Assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.
Templte for the CE class assignmnt due the 12th.
For this Assignment, imagine that you are the director of a child care facility for children ages 3 to 5. As part of a staff development night, you are going to create a PowerPoint presentation to educate your staff on three common disabilities and their characteristics. You will also discuss the importance of family involvement in children with disabilities and how your staff members can partner with parents to facilitate family involvement in your center. In your presentation, you will want to use multiple examples to illustrate knowledge of the culture and characteristics of the families and children with disabilities. You should be able to describe how children with disabilities will function or behave in the school setting. You should also take into consideration the child’s family traditions and culture.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 9 slides, which includes a title slide and reference slide. Click on the resources icon below for the Assignment template.
Each slide should have four phrases with the required information. Then, in the click to add notes section, please share one paragraph as speaking notes elaborating on the information on each slide. To learn how to use the click to add notes feature in your PowerPoint Presentation, please click on this link:
Reading for this Assignment includes Chapter 15 of your digital textbook and the ebook found in Doc Sharing.
Be sure to include the following information in your presentation:Title Slide (Please provide your name and identify your course and instructor). You do not need to use the click to add notes section for this slide.Introduction (Introduce yourself, define your viewpoint on teaching social skills to children with disabilities, describe your academic goal, and your career goal. Reading for teaching social skills and cultural awareness (Chapter 15 of Digital Text Book). You do need to use the click to add notes section explaining the four phrases on the slide. You should have one paragraph in the click to add notes section.Disability 1: Identify and define the disability, share the social/emotional, cognitive, and physical domains that this disability affects. You do need to use the click to add notes section explaining the four phrases on the slide. You should have one paragraph in the click to add notes section.Disability 2: Identify and define the disability, share the social/emotional, cognitive, and physical domains that this disability affects. You do need to use the click to add notes section explaining the four phrases on the slide. You should have one paragraph in the click to add notes section.Disability 3: Identify and define the disability, share the social/emotional, cognitive, and physical domains that this disability affects. You do need to use the click to add notes section explaining the four phrases on the slide. You should have one paragraph in the click to add notes section.Family Involvement: Strategies and Benefits: Recommend two strategies that can be used to partner with families to facilitate family involvement. Share two benefits to the child when parents are involved in the child’s educational experience. You do need to use the click to add notes section explaining the four phrases on the slide. You should have one paragraph in the click to add notes section.Teach a Social Skill & Home to School Connections: Give an example explaining the steps in teaching a social skill to a child with disabilities. You do need to use the click to add notes section explaining the steps needed and how to work with a family using culturally sensitive practices to generalize the skill between home and school. Many students are given contradictory messages that confuse them about expected behaviors. Consistency in the home and school can alleviate some of this confusion. (See the passage in Chapter 15 Defining Appropriate Social Skills).Conclusion: Share four phrases on the slide that summarizes the main points of your presentation. Your summary should justify why this information is important in serving the needs of the child with disabilities. You do need to use the click to add notes section explaining the four phrases on the slide. You should have one paragraph in the click to add notes section. Please visit the Writing Center if you need additional help in writing a conclusion for your presentation.Unit 9 templates assignments alsoHow is a child screened and evaluated? Please refer to the template and identify the specific agency in your home state that screens and evaluates a child ages birth to three. You should explain the screening and evaluation process. This section of the brochure should include 3-5 complete sentences and an appropriate heading.
*Go to Google or another search engine and put in the search box, for example, Early Intervention, Florida to find the agency in your state. Describe the necessity of early identification of special needs and the importance of early intervention.
Please refer to the template and describe what you learned from researching state early intervention programs that can be used by an early childhood care professional to promote early identification of and early intervention for infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities. This section of the brochure should amount to at least one full paragraph and include an appropriate heading.What are some specific examples of services available and what do these services entail? In this section of the brochure, research specific examples of services available such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, family counseling, etc. Make sure to share about a minimum of 3 services and describe what the services entail. This section of the brochure should include 3-5 complete sentences and an appropriate heading.Share at least 4 effective strategies for young children with special needs.
Please refer to the template and describe at least 4 effective teaching strategies for young children with special needs. This section of the brochure should amount to at least one full paragraph and include an appropriate heading. You should use your text as well as Kaplan’s Library to research resources that focus on these effective teaching strategies for children with special needs.Identify some developmentally appropriate activities that can be implemented to assist these children in their real-life experiences.
In this section of the brochure, describe developmentally appropriate activities in at least 3-5 complete sentences. Please include an appropriate heading. Use Kaplan’s Library to research resources that focus on developmentally appropriate activities and how they relate to real-life experiences. You will need to share and compare your findings between what you researched and what you learned in this course. For this assignment, you are going to create a brochure that will include information and resources for young children (Birth- 3 years old) with special needs. Click on the resources icon below for the assignment template. Please use the template provided to you , but feel free to change the font and color to make the brochure more appealing. You should delete everything in RED and add your own information). Your brochure should include the following sections:
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