0630: The primary nurse is a recent graduate who completed their 6 months of preceptorship 2 weeks ago on a busy telemetry unit. Their preceptor is…
Question Answered step-by-step Time: The process described above is REFLECTION. 0630: The primary nurse is a recent graduate who completed their 6 months of preceptorship 2 weeks ago on a busy telemetry unit. Their preceptor is now the charge nurse. It is 1000 and the primary nurse has 4 patients (one who still needs their 1000 medications, one whose daughter wants to talk to the primary nurse about her father’s d/c plans, one who is has a 1030 appointment in the cardiac catheter lab and needs IV antibiotics hung before they leave the floor and one who is resting, waiting for PT). Now the primary nurse has been notified by the charge nurse that they will be receiving a new admission from the ER. Feeling overwhelmed, the primary nurse approaches the nurses’ station to address this with the charge nurse. Write down what your thoughts were and what your feelings were. Next, you will analyse those thoughts and feelings. Were your feelings justified? Why or Why not? What about what you were thinking…was it justified? Why or Why not?Analysing your thoughts feelings and actions.Next, think about and write down your thoughts on the following: Do you think you as a nurse leader or nurse manager will be able to manage a scenario like the one you watched? What will you do to prevent behaviour like you saw in the video on your unit? How can you intervene as the manager when conflict arises on the unit? When you think about uncivil behaviour in nursing what factors do you think have encouraged this kind of behaviour in nursing? What policies could we put in place as an institution to encourage our work environments to be civil?Finally, as a conclusion, based on all your reflection do you feel prepared to manage a scenario like this if you were in a leadership position now? If yes, state why. If no, state why. Health Science Science Nursing NLM 200 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)
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