CASE STUDY in Adult and Pediatric Emergency Drugs A 78 year old patient is seen in the Emergency Room in a Hypertensive Crisis.She is 5 foot 2 inches…

Question Answered step-by-step CASE STUDY in Adult and Pediatric Emergency Drugs A 78 year old patient is seen in the Emergency Room in a Hypertensive Crisis. She is 5 foot 2 inches tall and weighs 125 lbs. Her blood pressure is 230/130 mm Hg and she is very edematous. She has a history of alcohol abuse. The ER attending has prescribed IV Nitroprusside at 0.3 mcg/kg/min. 1. The patent begins to complain of headaches and nausea after the IV is started. Knowing what you know about Nitroprusside, what are your concerns about this drug (Be Detail)    2. What concerns must you take if preparing this medication and other medications like this one and why?    3. When placing a patient on supplemental Oxygen, What are your concerns and oxygen saturation end point?    4. You see a patient in the ER with hemodynamically significant bradycardia, What drug is indicated for this and describe in detail what is bradycardia/tachycardia (Differentiate the two).    5. Describe the action of Morphine on the heart.6. Describe what are PSVT arrhythmias are and detail what drug is considered first line treatment?    7. In ACLS, what drug is considered first line for life threatening ventricular dysrhythmias and cardiac arrest? ( Be specific)    8. List the indications, side effects, and contraindication of the Class 1 and 2 drugs that are used in ventricular conduction abnormalities?    9. Your patient has attempted to overdose on TCAs; upon arrival to the Emergency Department he has Torsade de Pointe pattern on EKG; what drug intervention is indicated for this pattern and discuss the actions of this drug.    10. Your patient starts to show signs of acidosis with a pH of 7.26; What drug can be given to offset this condition and describe the indications, preparation of this drug, side effects and contraindications.    11. You are the ICU nurse taking care of a severe Head injury patient who is post-op from a craniotomy. The patient start to have an increase in BP, unstable on the ventilator and ICP increase of 20. What drug intervention can lower ICP and why. (Be detailed).    12. You are seeing a patient in the ER who has signs of overdose of Opiates and benzodiazepines. His friends reported this info to you and left him in the ER. What drugs would you consider to reverse the actions of the opiates and benzo’s to get this patient stable? Discuss the actions of each drugs, indications and side effects.   13. What are the effects of the following drugs in shock states; Dopamine; Dobutamine, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrine?    14. You are seeing a 14 year old with known allergies to nuts, tree bark and bee stings in the ED; they present with wheezing and barely audible voice, facial swelling and hives. What drug regimen is required for this patient to treat what you have determined is anaphylaxis? Talk about the indications and mechanism of action of each drug. Health Science Science Nursing NSG 3032 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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