Compose discharge instruction for a patient who has osteoporosis…

Question Answered step-by-step Compose discharge instruction for a patient who has osteoporosis… Compose discharge instruction for a patient who has osteoporosis and has sustained a hip fracture that required surgical repairPatient discharge instruction sheetPatient’s name:This form provides you with initial instructions about your medical care.Please keep this form and take it with you in case you need further care.You were seen today by Dr:Your diagnosis:Instructions:Medication prescribed (name, dose, frequency, purpose) your usual medication:Return to the emergency department if:Follow up with:                                            Phone number:Follow up within:Instructions are given by: Name:                          Signature:I have received and understand these instructions.Name:                                                 Signature:Date:                                        Time: Health Science Science Nursing NURSING NUR 1020 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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