QUESTION 1 Myopia:…

QuestionAnswered step-by-stepQUESTION 1 Myopia:…QUESTION 1Myopia:a.Nearsightednessb.Glaucomac.Strabismusd.Astigmatisme.Farsightedness1 points  QUESTION 2Select the term that is spelled correctly.Incision of the eardrum:a.myringetomyb.myringotomyc.miringotomy1 points  QUESTION 3Yellowish region in the retina that contains the fovea centralis:a.Optic discb.Posterior chamberc.Sclerad.Choroide.Macula1 points  QUESTION 4Hormone secreted by the ovary and adrenal cortex:a.Oxytocinb.Estrogenc.Luteinizing hormoned.Follicle-stimulating hormonee.Androgen1 points  QUESTION 5Nerve deafness occurring with aging:a.Presbycusisb.Otopyorrheac.Vertigod.Acoustic neuromae.Ménière disease1 points  QUESTION 6Photosensitive receptor cells of the retina; make the perception of color possible:a.Conesb.Rodsc.Optic discd.Megakaryocytee.Optic chiasm1 points  QUESTION 7Eye inflammation commonly called “pinkeye”:a.Conjunctivitisb.Dacryoadenitisc.Uveitisd.Scleritise.Iritis1 points  QUESTION 8Palpebr/o means:a.Eyelidb.Corneac.Lens of the eyed.Tear glande.Optic disc1 points  QUESTION 9Select the term that is spelled correctly.Constant muscle contraction:a.tettanyb.tetanyc.teteny1 points  QUESTION 10Combining form for cornea:a.scler/ob.kerat/oc.opt/od.ocul/oe.choroid/o1 points  QUESTION 11Select the term that is spelled correctly.X-ray imaging of the spinal cord:a.mielographyb.myelographyc.myleography1 points  QUESTION 12Insulin deficiency or resistance leading to hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis:a.Diabetes mellitusb.Acromegalyc.Cushing syndromed.Myxedemae.Graves disease1 points  QUESTION 13Combining form for the ciliary body:a.Cycl/ob.Lacrim/oc.Dacry/od.Irid/oe.Phak/o1 points  QUESTION 14Example of an electrolyte:a.Sodiumb.Insulinc.Steroidd.Glucagone.Renin1 points  QUESTION 15Snail-shaped, spirally wound tube in the inner ear:a.Auricleb.Cochleac.Utricled.Auditory meatuse.Pinna1 points  QUESTION 16A function of the thyroid gland; secretes:a.Thymosinb.Thyroid-stimulating hormonec.Thyroxined.Immunologic substancese.Corticosteroids1 points  QUESTION 17Place where optic nerve fibers cross in the brain:a.Cerebral cortexb.Olfactory lobec.Optic discd.Optic chiasme.Retina1 points  QUESTION 18Select the term that is spelled correctly.Waxy discharge from the ear:a.serumenb.cerumenc.ceremen1 points  QUESTION 19Tinnitus:a.Sensations of noises in the ears without an external sourceb.Dysphoniac.Hearing loss occurring with old aged.Aural dischargee.Dizziness associated with nausea and sensations of whirling motion1 points  QUESTION 20Characteristic of acromegaly:a.Defective cartilage formation that affects bone growthb.Tumor of the sella turcicac.Abnormal formation of cartilage in an adultd.Enlargement of extremitiese.Hyperfunctioning of pituitary gland1 points  QUESTION 21SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.korneab.cornea1 points  QUESTION 22Select the term that is spelled correctly.Hormone secreted by the ovary:a.projesteroneb.progesteronc.progesterone1 points  QUESTION 23Select the term that is spelled correctly.X-ray of the renal pelvis:a.pyleogramb.pyilogramc.pyelogram1 points  QUESTION 24SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.fovea centralasb.fovea centralis1 points  QUESTION 25SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.ciliary bodyb.cilliary body1 points  QUESTION 26What is the meaning of adduction?a.Moving the part away from the midlineb.Moving the part of the body toward the midline of the bodyc.Bending a part of the bodyd.Turning inward1 points  QUESTION 27Glaucoma is primarily diagnosed by:a.Tonometryb.Ophthalmoscopyc.Fluorescein angiographyd.Slit lamp biomicroscopye.Visual field exam1 points  QUESTION 28Macular degeneration produces:a.Nystagmusb.Retinal detachmentc.Loss of central visiond.Hemianopiae.Cataracts1 points  QUESTION 29Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland:a.Neurohypophysisb.Hypophysisc.Thalamusd.Hypothalamuse.Adenohypophysis1 points  QUESTION 30Deficiency of gonadotropins:a.Hypogonadismb.Homeostasisc.Gynecomastiad.Hypernatremiae.Galactorrhea1 points  QUESTION 31Enlargement of the thyroid gland:a.Tetanyb.Hypergonadismc.Hypophyseal enlargementd.Euthyroide.Goiter1 points  QUESTION 32What does a radiologist do?a.Specializes in the practice of administering diagnostic nuclear medicine proceduresb.Aids a physician in administering x-ray proceduresc.Specializes diagnostic techniques such as ultrasound, MRI and CT scansd.Treats malignancy with radiation1 points  QUESTION 33SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.cataractb.cateract1 points  QUESTION 34Select the term that is spelled correctly.Condition of eyeballs that protrude outward:a.exopthalmosb.exophthmalmosc.exophthalmos1 points  QUESTION 35Astigmatism:a.Localized purulent infection of the eyeb.Esotropiac.Exotropiad.Atrophy of the retinae.Defective curvature of the cornea or lens1 points  QUESTION 36Post-puberty hypersecretion of growth hormone from the anterior pituitary gland:a.Graves diseaseb.Cushing syndromec.Acromegalyd.Myxedemae.Diabetes mellitus1 points  QUESTION 37Select the term that is spelled correctly.Enlargement of extremities due to hypersecretion of growth hormone:a.acromeagalyb.accromegalyc.acromegaly1 points  QUESTION 38Exophthalmos is a sign of which of the following endocrine disorders?a.Pituitary gland hypertrophyb.Thyroid carcinomac.Nodular goiterd.Graves diseasee.Endemic goiter1 points  QUESTION 39Channel between the middle ear and the nasopharynx:a.Oval windowb.Eustachian tubec.Labyrinthd.Semicircular canale.Organ of Corti1 points  QUESTION 40Adjustment of the lens by the ciliary body:a.Accommodationb.Photophobiac.Binocular visiond.Amblyopiae.Refraction1 points  QUESTION 41Hormone that regulates calcium in the blood and bones:a.Prolactinb.Prostaglandinsc.Thyroxined.Thyroid-stimulating hormonee.Parathyroid hormone1 points  QUESTION 42DICOM is a:a.System to replace traditional films with digital equivalentsb.Radiopharmaceutical used in a PET scanc.Protocol for transmission between imaging devicesd.Technique using a radioactive substance and a computer to create three-dimensional images1 points  QUESTION 43Select the term that is spelled correctly.Dizziness:a.virtigob.vertigoc.vertego1 points  QUESTION 44Fungal infection of the ear:a.Macrotiab.Salpingitisc.Cholesteatomad.Labyrinthitise.Otomycosis1 points  QUESTION 45A thyroid scan consists of:a.Administration of radioactive compound and visualization with a scanner to detect tumors or nodulesb.Skull x-ray imaging of the brainc.A CT image of the thyroid glandd.Radioimmunoassay of thyroxine in the bloodstreame.Ultrasound imaging of the neck1 points  QUESTION 46A blind spot; area of depressed vision surrounded by an area of normal vision:a.Exotropiab.Nyctalopiac.Strabismusd.Scotomae.Esotropia1 points  QUESTION 47SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.aqueous humorb.acqueous humer1 points  QUESTION 48Advanced hypothyroidism in adulthood:a.Myxedemab.Acromegalyc.Cushing syndromed.Diabetes mellituse.Graves disease1 points  QUESTION 49SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.anisocoriab.anisocorea1 points  QUESTION 50An element present in thyroxine:a.Ironb.Iodinec.Glucosed.Calciume.Vitamin D1 points  QUESTION 51Characteristic of type 1 diabetes mellitus:a.Onset usually occurs after age 30.b.Ketoacidosis seldom occurs.c.Little or no insulin is produced.d.Treatment is with diet and oral hypoglycemic agents.e.Gradual onset is typical; patient is asymptomatic.1 points  QUESTION 52Which term describes an x-ray test to show an organ in depth?a.Fluoroscopyb.Tomographyc.Ultrasonographyd.Arteriography1 points  QUESTION 53A group of symptoms produced by excess of cortisol from the adrenal cortex:a.Graves diseaseb.Diabetes mellitusc.Cushing syndromed.Acromegalye.Myxedema1 points  QUESTION 54Myring/o means:a.Semicircular canalsb.Tympanic membranec.Auditory canald.Cerumene.Stapes1 points  QUESTION 55Select the term that is spelled correctly.Hormone secreted by the islet cells of Langerha.insulenb.insulinc.insalin1 points  QUESTION 56What is an in vivo test?a.Experiments are performed in a living organismb.Radionuclide is incorporated into a chemical substancec.Experiments are performed in a laboratoryd.Radiopharmaceuticals are used1 points  QUESTION 57What is a substance that gives off high-energy particles or rays?a.Scannerb.Half-lifec.Radioisotoped.Barium1 points  QUESTION 58Select the term that is spelled correctly.Fungal ear condition:a.otomicosisb.otomycosisc.automycosis1 points  QUESTION 59Fibrous layer of clear tissue that extends over the anterior portion of the eye and is continuous with the white of the eye:a.Ciliary bodyb.Fundusc.Irisd.Corneae.Pupil1 points  QUESTION 60Which of the following is true of a radiopaque substance?a.Lung tissue is an exampleb.Is an air-containing structurec.Absorbs most of the x-rays it is exposed tod.Permits the passage of most x-rays1 points  QUESTION 61Kal/i is a combining form for:a.Potassiumb.Sodiumc.Phosphorusd.Calciume.Milk1 points  QUESTION 62Eye structure that is transparent and biconvex and focuses light on the retina:a.Vitreous bodyb.Lensc.Conjunctivad.Sclerae.Aqueous humor1 points  QUESTION 63Select the term that is spelled correctly.X-ray record of vessels:a.angiogramb.angeiogramc.anjiogram1 points  QUESTION 64Which BEST describes a barium enema?a.Iodine compound is given and x-rays are taken of the intestinal tract.b.A fluorescent screen is used instead of a photographic plate to visualize images.c.Radioactive substance is given and x-rays are taken.d.Metallic powder is introduced to the large intestine and x-rays are taken.1 points  QUESTION 65What is thallium 201?a.Radionuclideb.Fluorescent materialc.Gamma camerad.Contrast material1 points  QUESTION 66What can thyroid scans detect?a.Thyroid carcinomab.Areas of metabolic deficiency in the brainc.Cirrhosis and splenomegaly due to abscess or tumord.Blood flow through the heart and large vessels1 points  QUESTION 67SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.blepheritisb.blepharitis1 points  QUESTION 68SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.conjuntiviab.conjunctiva1 points  QUESTION 69Select the term that is spelled correctly.Pertaining to sound:a.acousticb.akusticc.acustic1 points  QUESTION 70Select the term that is spelled correctly.Hearing impairment due to old age:a.presbicusisb.presbycussisc.presbycusis1 points  QUESTION 71SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.glaukomab.glaucoma1 points  QUESTION 72Visual examination of the ear:a.Tympanometryb.Tuning fork testc.Ophthalmoscopyd.Audiometrye.Otoscopy1 points  QUESTION 73SpellingSelect the term that is spelled correctly:a.ophthalmologistb.opthalmologist1 points  QUESTION 74Which is an x-ray of a blood vessel?a.Digital subtraction angiographyb.Angiogramc.Arthrogramd.Pneumoencephalogram1 points  QUESTION 75Select the term that is spelled correctly.Surgical repair of the eardrum:a.tinpanoplastyb.tympanoplastyc.timpanoplasty1 points  QUESTION 76Select the term that is spelled correctly.Hyposecretion of the thyroid gland in adulthood:a.myxedemab.myxademaec.mixadema1 points  QUESTION 77Impairment of vision due to old age:a.Anisocoriab.Emmetropiac.Diplopiad.Presbyopiae.Esotropia1 points  QUESTION 78Small hard mass on the eyelid; formed from a sebaceous gland enlargement:a.Blepharochalasisb.Steatomac.Scleral buckled.Chalazione.Cataract1 points  QUESTION 79Hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete hormones:a.Cortisoneb.Growth hormonec.ADHd.ACTHe.Secretin1 points  QUESTION 80Bacterial infection of the middle ear:a.Cholesteatomab.Barotitisc.Suppurative otitis mediad.Serous otitis mediae.Mastoiditis1 points  QUESTION 81Hormone secreted by the pancreas:a.Glucoseb.Estrogenc.Epinephrined.Insuline.Vasopressin1 points  QUESTION 82Select the term that is spelled correctly.Outer flap of the ear:a.pinab.pennac.pinna1 points  QUESTION 83What is the medical specialty that studies the characteristics and uses of radioactive substances in diagnosis of disease?a.Radiation oncologyb.Nuclear medicinec.Radiologyd.Ultrasonography1 points  QUESTION 84Select the term that is spelled correctly.Excessive thirst:a.polydipsiab.pollydipsiac.polydipsea1 points  QUESTION 85Select the term that is spelled correctly.Ringing in the ears:a.tinnitusb.tinnitisc.tinitus1 pointsHealth ScienceScienceNursingOAM 303Share Question

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