Seizure Disorder A 78-year-old male client who is recovering from a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) procedure, experienced a grand mal…

Question Answered step-by-step Seizure DisorderHealth and social history·      Height: 5 feet 8 inches (68 inches)A 78-year-old male client who is recovering from a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) procedure, experienced a grand mal seizure 30 minutes ago. The client received 4 mg intravenous lorazepam and is now resting comfortably.·      Weight: 63.6 kg (140 lb)·      Past medical history: hyperlipidemia, benign prostrate hyperplasia, urinary retention, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and gastroesophageal varices·      Prescription medications: tamsulosin, atorvastatin, and pantoprazole·      Over the counter medications: multi-vitamin and thiamine supplements·      Diet: vegetarian·      Alcohol: 8 to 10 drinks daily, beer and hard liquor·      Smoking: denies·      Marital status: widow·      Living arrangement: single family home, one story, lives alone·      Activity: walks without assistive device, drives during daylight only·      Sexual activity: active, female partners, denies using STD protection Vital signs PACUPost-op day 1Post-op day 2Today, preseizureToday, postseizureTemperature98.6° F (37° C)98.9° F (37.2° C)98.7° F (37.1° C)100.4° F (38° C)98.7° F (37.1° C)Heart rate88 beats/min82 beats/min90 beats/min98 beats/min62 beats/minBlood pressure122/69 mm HG136/76 mm Hg148/92 mm Hg160/99 mm Hg118/62 mm HgRespiratory rate18 breaths/min20 breaths/min24 breaths/min28 breaths/min12 breaths/minO2 saturation94%98%96%96%94%O2 device2L NC2L NCRoom airRoom air2L NCPain6/10 surgical site2/10 surgical site0/108/10 headache0/10Intake/Output PACUPost-op day 1Post-op day 2Today (in progress)Oral intake03500 mL2500 mL750 mLIV fluids4400 mLDiscontinuedN/AN/ACBI fluids6500 mL3250 mLDiscontinuedN/AUrinary drainage9500 mL6300 mLN/AN/AActual urinary output3000 mL3050 mL2225 mL630 mL PACUPost-op day 1Post-op day 2Today, preseizureToday, postseizureNeurologicDrowsy; oriented and follows commands when arousedAlert and oriented; Follows all commandsAlert and oriented; Anxious and restlessAgitated; confused but follows simple commandsLethargicCardiacS1S2, pulses 2+, capillary refill <3 secS1S2, pulses 2+, capillary refill <3 secS1S2, pulses 2+, capillary refill <3 secDiaphoretic; S1S2, pulses 2+S1S2, pulses 2+, capillary refill <3 secondsPulmonaryCrackles present bilateral lower lobesLung fields clear throughoutLung fields clear throughoutLung fields clear throughoutLung fields clear throughoutGastrointestinal Bowel sounds hypoactive; denies nausea; no vomitingBowel sounds present throughout; abdomen soft, round, non-tender; bowel movement - brown, soft stoolBowel sounds present throughout; reports nausea; no vomitingRefuses breakfast; reports no appetite; bowel sounds hypoactiveBowel sounds hypoactive UrinaryRed urine with large clots Continuous bladder irrigation (CBI)Pink urine no clotsPale yellow urine, no sedimentYellow urine, no sedimentYellow urine, no sedimentActivityBedrest; moves all extremitiesOut of bed to chair with assistAmbulates in hall; gait steadyOut of bed to chair; tremors presentBedrest 1. What information is relevant?2. What is the most likely explanation for this client's assessment data? ( 3. What are the desirable outcomes for this client? 4. What interventions can achieve the desirable outcomes?       5. What interventions are most appropriate at this time?    6. What information will indicate that interventions improved the client's status?and what are 3 nursing diagnosis that can be written for this patient? use related to as evidence by Health Science Science Nursing NUR 1025C Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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